Child Support Payment Modification During COVID-19
Posted on April 16th, 2020
In today’s global health crisis, many family situations are changing almost daily. Employees are being furloughed, families are waiting for unemployment benefits and stimulus checks to hit their accounts. By all means, this is stressful for anyone. But when you also have child support to contend with, it can be a lot to deal with. If your financial situation has changed as a result of COVID-19, you may need a child support payment agreement modification. Kalinoski Law Offices P.C. can help.
The Problem with Verbal Modifications
You and your ex may often see eye to eye on things, even maintaining a great relationship that is open and honest. While this is always great to hear, don’t think just because in the past your relationship has been solid that a verbal modification to your child support payments will hold up.
Given the world climate, tensions are high for everyone, regardless of the situation. While your ex may understand that you’ve had a change in financial stability, it doesn’t mean he or she isn’t also counting on your child support to pay for your child’s essential needs.
In fact, even if your ex has agreed to a verbal modification, that doesn’t protect you from backpay on support. In fact, if your ex decided to take it to the court that you haven’t paid up, that will leave you in an even tougher spot.
Which is why you need a written child support modification.
Child Support Payment Modifications During COVID-19
It’s important to note that if you are already behind on child support, your COVID-19 stimulus check may be used to pay that off. This is to ensure that those in lower tax brackets with children receive the relief they need.
In addition, your support modification agreement will look at what is owed and what you can realistically contribute to support payments at this time.
You need to know that the court will thoroughly look into your situation as well as your finances to see where you truly stand financially. Under the Domestic Relations Section, your support case will be reviewed every three years if you receive cash assistance so it is critical that you present all aid you receive along with any income you may have.
Financial Assistance for Child Custody
If you know you’ll be back to work once the business mandates have been lifted, you may be back to a financial place where your child support need not be modified. However, if for the time being, you do need financial assistance, there are resources available.
If you are in need of a child support modification agreement due to loss of wages during COVID-19, do not wait to call us. Falling behind on your child support can result in fines, owing back pay, and in some cases incarceration.
Contact Kalinoski Law Offices P.C. Today
Our family law firm is committed to helping you during this tumultuous time. We will thoroughly examine all of your options and prepare a child custody modification that will suit both your needs and your child’s care. For more information, contact our Scranton family law firm for a free initial consultation.
Category: Child Custody/Support
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Craig P. Kalinoski is a respected attorney serving clients in Scranton, Pennsylvania. With a focus on Family Law, Criminal Defense, and Civil Rights, he has established himself as a top-rated legal professional. Recognized as a Rising Star and admired by peers, Craig's commitment to excellence sets him apart in the legal field.