Divorce can be complicated, especially with heightened emotions. If you are considering a divorce in NEPA and have questions, take a look at our Divorce FAQ.
After divorce, who gets custody of the kids?
Child custody is a very contentious part of a divorce. There are ways the judge will determine the type of child custody for your family if you and your ex cannot come to an agreement. This includes the type of visitation as well, if necessary. Ultimately, the judge will rule with what is in the best interest of the child.
Who gets the dog in a divorce?
While we love our pets like children, the court does not treat them that way. Pets are considered personal property in a divorce, meaning you must prove to be financially responsible for the pet in addition to providing licensure in your name.
Will legal separation save my finances?
In many ways, a legal separation can save your finances. For example, if you need to stay on your ex’s health insurance, you cannot collect Social Security, you want to continue receiving military benefits, or file taxes jointly.
When does legal separation start?
According to Chapter 23, Section 3103, legal separation begins when you no longer behave as spouses. This may mean you no longer live together, no longer socialize as partners, etc.
Can legal separation be reversed?
A legal separation can be reversed. Since it is not as formal as a divorce, if you and your spouse want to give the relationship another try, there are not as many obstacles standing between you.
What’s the difference between child custody and visitation?
Child custody refers to the primary parent who will care for the child or the act of co-parenting with shared custody. Visitation is when the child will come to spend time with the noncustodial parent, either supervised or unsupervised.
Can I get a copy of my child support payments?
To receive copies of your child support payments in Pennsylvania, you need to visit the Pennsylvania Child Support Program website.
Who gets alimony in the divorce?
Typically, the ex who had not been employed for the duration of the marriage or had the lesser income would be eligible for alimony. However, there are a variety of factors that determine Pennsylvania alimony.
Can I file a protection from abuse order?
While you do not need to be divorced in Pennsylvania to receive a protection from abuse (PFA) order, you can file one while undergoing the divorce process.
If you have questions about common divorce disputes, visit our blog. For questions on additional family law issues, visit our resources page.
For information on divorce in Pennsylvania and if it is right for you, contact our Scranton family law attorney Craig Kalinoski today.