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When Can a Child Custody Agreement Be Modified?

child custody agreement

Divorce is one of the hardest things in the world, and while life may get easier following the separation, co-parenting a child with your ex-spouse can be difficult. Some divorcees can remain civil with their ex-spouse, either because they had an amicable split or because they’re able to work together. But what about when they can’t, or there’s so much bad blood that they can’t change their routine without putting it in writing? Whether it’s at the request of one or both parents, changing the child custody agreement is called a modification, and it requires some legal knowledge.

The family law attorney at Kalinoski Law Offices can help if you or you and your ex-spouse require help modifying your child custody agreement.

What is a Child Custody Agreement?

A child custody agreement contains a set of rules that parents agree on about how they are going to take care of their children. This includes each of their legal rights, their custodial rights, visitation rights if necessary, and how they’re can spend their time with their children. These rights are permanent until the children are 18 years old. They can be as vague or specific as the parents and the courts agree is necessary. A custody agreement cannot be changed without filing for a modification.

While the court does not actively enforce the rules of the custody agreement day-to-day, if the parents agree to follow of different set of rules without an official modification, they could accuse the other of breaking the agreement later. This can lead to a power struggle between the parents over their child.

When Are You Allowed to Make a Modification to a Child Custody Agreement?

A child custody modification cannot be made at any time for any reason. When parents agree, changing the terms of the agreement can be relatively straightforward. However, the less amicable the parents are, the more work it will be to finalize the change. They can make modifications to better improve their visitation hours, change their decision-making power, and/or even seek physical custody.

Reasons for why a modification is necessary often include situations such as:

Contact Kalinoski Law Offices for Help With Modifications to Child Custody Agreements

Child custody is far from simple. There is so much that goes into caring and raising a child. If you feel that something needs to be updated in your custody agreement, you can trust Kalinoski Law Offices for help. Contact us today.

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